Classic Truck Parts Sale Black Friday 2023 LS Fabrication

Hood Hinge Installation for 1967-1972 Trucks

Looking for a solution to achieve more tire clearance or to clean up your engine compartment on your 67-72 C-10? Consider our cowl mounted hood hinges! Our hinges are easy to install with basic tools and can be completed in 4-6 hours. However, we recommend seeking professional help if you or your installer are not experienced with this type of work.

To install our hinges, start by removing your factory hood, hood hinges, and wiper cowl. Then, measure and mark the center of your cowl with a vertical line on a piece of masking tape. Measure out 23” from the center line on both sides and draw vertical lines on the tape to determine the hinge bases’ location. Double-check your measurements to ensure they are accurate.

Next, make a template of the hinge face with a piece of paper or poster board. Disassemble the hinge arms from the hinge bases, trace the face of the hinge base onto the poster board, and mark the four holes as well as a slot for the hinge arm to come through the cowl. Drill all four hinge base mounting holes with a 5/16” drill bit and the top and bottom of the hinge arm slot with a 9/16” drill bit. Finish cutting the hinge arm slot with a body saw or cutoff wheel.

Insert the hinge base into the cowl and loosely install all the mounting hardware, including the hood lift strut bracket. If necessary, trim the firewall pinch to make clearance for the lift strut bracket. Torque all the hardware to 25 ft lbs and slide the hinge arm through the cowl. Re-assemble the hinge arm with the hinge base and run the hinge arm up and down to check for clearances.

To mount the hood, weld the hood mounting pads to the hood brace on the underside of the hood. You can either make the same measurements you made on the cowl to find the center of the hood, or you can loosely mount the hood mounting pads to the hinge arm, remove the inner fenders and front wheels, and set the hood on the truck to ensure it’s centered and fits correctly.

If equipped, install the four hood lift struts on the outside of the firewall bracket to triangulate the shocks and help stabilize the hood. With our easy-to-follow instructions and a YouTube video available online, our cowl mounted hood hinges are the perfect solution for your 67-72 C-10.

For any questions or concerns with your install, don’t hesitate to email us at



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